Atashagah avenue is the heaven for food lovers. From the begging to the end of this street different traditional and modern restaurants, cafés and fast foods offer you different kinds of food.
At the end of the avenue, you find "Shab Neshin" restaurant. The restaurant is located in the middle of a big garden. The entrance and exterior of the restaurant may remind you of a Chinese restaurant but only Persian foods are served there.
In spring and summer, you can enjoy the wonderful weather and artificial cascade, water wheels, fountains. the serving time for lunch is 12-15.30 for dinner 19.30-23.30. At autumn and winter, glass huts protect you from cold weather and you still can enjoy the view, the service time for lunch is 12-14 and for dinner 19-23.
This restaurant has satisfied so many of its clients. It also has a cafe so you can have coffee, tea, and drinks.